These are designed to be worn over-ear and not on-ear, correct? I remember once having purchased a pair of Sennhiser Urbanite XL headphones without checking sizing, and for me they were like on-ears. The did not fit around my ears like I had expected, and I would like to avoid doing that again.
Kirov123The Meze 99 are technically around-ear, but every part of the outside of your ear will touch the inside of the pads. Ear claustrophobia!
If comfort is your priority, I highly recommend the Sivga SV006 headphones ( with Brainwavz XL Hybrid pads installed* (
Total costwould be ~$110, and the resulting sound will be similar to the Meze 99. Comfort-wise, the SV006/velour combo is substantially better than the Meze, the earpads of which can cause fatigue unless you have small ears.
mattrisIf comfort + bar-none sound quality are *anyone's* priority, AudioQuest NightOwl are by far the best deal to be had right now. You can get them brand new for $400 (originally $700). You simply cannot compete with the NightOwl at the current price under any rubric, except, perhaps, if you prefer a more clinical frequency response.
Kirov123These are definitely over ear. I tried the Urbanite XL's and they were a touch too small for my ears. The Meze 99 for me fits well. I may not have as much extra room as I'd like but they completely conform around my ear and create a good seal. At worst, you could always switch pads too since Dekoni and other manufacturer pads work.
jaydunndidditOver ear... with contact to every part of the outside of your ear. I can confirm that switching pads on the Meze 99 dramatically affects the sound. So unless you get lucky on which pad to use, you may negatively affect the sound.
mattrisThat's fair. I never found the need to switch pads myself but I did read a lot of what others tried and their impressions. They did fit around my ears just fine but I found the depth to be a bit lacking. That was my only gripe, really.
rdodevFirst of all, $400 is out of most peoples' budget. The Sivga SV006 headphones are less than $90. Brainwavz XL Hybrid pads are $27.50. Combined, the sound quality is astounding and extremely neutral... far more balanced than the NightOwl, which is severely treble-deficient.
mattrisThat amazing link to the 006 you posted doesn't seem to be branded Sivga, and while I'm sure they work (based on the Amazon reviews) the broken English in the description does not instill confidence in their quality. I appreciate the help though.
Kirov123The item photos do show the exact headphones (and retail box). You order would be 'Fulfilled by Amazon', so you'd be protected. The broken English description is common with relatively low-cost Chinese-made products. Do not that that dissuade you. The build quality of these Sivga headphones is seriously impressive... and with the XL Hybrid pads, would win the honor of 'best-value, comfortable, closed-back headphone' from me.
I'm using a FiiO Q1 mkII, which is probably the best-sounding ~$100 DAC/amp available. One could get all three items for about the price of the Meze 99... and have them in a few days - not April 2019. Highly recommended.