TL:DR I love these IEMs and I would highly recommend them to anyone.
For 60 bucks, you really can't beat these. They outperform many other higher end earbuds and IEMs, have a really solid build quality, and great cable + ear tip options. Flat response is the name of the game, and distortion or tone imbalance is virtually nonexistent, The braided cable is great if you're sitting at your computer, at the gym, or other places where you'd like a more sturdy option, and the mic cable is nice for taking calls and such, although I wish it also had volume buttons, although that's a minor gripe. The sound quality is great, and they don't rip out of your ears when you move around. The overall shape and molding is great for many types of ears, and it's easy to wear for hours on end without having to readjust or fidget. (They're perfect for long flights with crying children too.) Lastly, the velcro ish bit on the bottom of the cable is unobtrusive while not in use, and great for keeping the cable from knotting up in your pocket, bag, or included case.
For 60 bucks, you really can't beat these. They outperform many other higher end earbuds and IEMs, have a really solid build quality, and great cable + ear tip options. Flat response is the name of the game, and distortion or tone imbalance is virtually nonexistent, The braided cable is great if you're sitting at your computer, at the gym, or other places where you'd like a more sturdy option, and the mic cable is nice for taking calls and such, although I wish it also had volume buttons, although that's a minor gripe. The sound quality is great, and they don't rip out of your ears when you move around. The overall shape and molding is great for many types of ears, and it's easy to wear for hours on end without having to readjust or fidget. (They're perfect for long flights with crying children too.) Lastly, the velcro ish bit on the bottom of the cable is unobtrusive while not in use, and great for keeping the cable from knotting up in your pocket, bag, or included case.