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Aug 2, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
I really enjoy the EDC3. They are very balanced and fit nicely. They are also very comfortable. They are now my go-to earphones when I dont use Bluetooth headphones.
Aug 3, 2018
MrBrad People love these, and I’m certainly not going to tell them they are wrong. But for me personally, they were easily the biggest disappointment I have encountered not only from this website, but from earphones in general.
Sep 3, 2018
WILLxLOVEI’ve found them to be disappointing. However, someone commented that they sound best after 30-40 hours. I haven’t given them more than a few hours I think. That’s because they sound so anemic every time I try them. My HEM2’s and KZ ZS10’s sounded phenomenally better out of the box. I find myself switching back and forth between those two, and occassionally pulling out the EDC3’s. I haven’t compared them yet with my One More Triple Drivers or Etymotic HF’s yet, but I’ll get to that eventuall. I’ll have to run some pink noise through them for a few days to see if they get better.
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