I don't know why I selected another BA driven device. They have to group 90 drivers together to have any drive or foundation. They use crossovers and lose focus and coherence as a result. I don't like these earphones. They are thin in the middle frequencies. Have no actual bass and are blessed with an artificial and contrived treble. They only thing I actually do like? Is the fit. They fit nicely thank you. I can't even enjoy that because they will get very little use. The dynamic EDC's have a boosted bass yet the rest of the range shows promise. They have a future. Now who do I hate to make a gift of the EDC-3's?
achristilawThe bass response is different from a dynamic driver. Anyway they are pretty balanced, just lacking a bit of rumble. Did you make some burn-in?
FabioRocksThey lack foundation. They lack definition and transparency in the middle. No real air up there. The little, inconsequential Tin Audio T2's? Slay them... it's not even close. Much more coherent and resolving with better dynamics. Knowles BA's with a talented designer can impress me. These did not...
achristilawI'm pretty much on the same page as you. I don't know what they did with the drivers. But the imaging and soundstage are not coherent at all. They almost sound out of phase with some vocal music.
Der_KlaviermannTo achieve any balance? You have to raise past unsafe levels. I can't recommend these to people that listen to actual music. Music that occupies actual, real space. For "music" made on a computer keyboard? They would have fans I'm sure.
achristilawYeah! I listen to a lot of Jazz and Classical. They sound pretty horrendous with these cans. I absolutely do not enjoy them. They are just collecting dust right now. Thought about selling them. But I would even feel bad for anyone who would buy them from me. 'Cause they are just not good.