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Feb 27, 2018
I am quite new to iems but I am aware that there are more iems that use mmcx cables than 2 pin cable connectors. Since EDC3 has a 2 pin cable connector, would it be difficult to find a replacement cable? Since the market for 2 pin cables are smaller, would it mean that there are fewer options for us to upgrade after we bought EDC3?
I was also recently looking at Fiio's F9 iem, they cost a bit more than EDC3 at around $138(£99) compared to the ED3's $99(£70).. does anybody have any experience with the Fiio F9 and could offer any advice? How would EDC3 compare to the SE215?
Please do correct me if I am wrong, still sort of a newbie in this field.. thanks!
Feb 27, 2018
Feb 27, 2018
CEE_TEESetkot quoted a price of $138, so he's probably referring to the Fiio F9 Pro.
Feb 28, 2018
CEE_TEEThank you for your help! Okay I will stick to the EDC3 but would you anything about the cable connectors? Are 2 pin connectors disadvantaged compared to MMCX connectors?
Feb 28, 2018
DarrylGNo ahaha I tried to talk about the F9, maybe the difference in price was because of the location.. sorry about that haha
Feb 28, 2018
SethkotAh, ok- I see.
Mar 1, 2018
SethkotAh, 2-pin vs. MMCX connectors. This question is perfect for the audiophile debate team. PRO! CON!
2-pin connectors are great because: -There are a lot of 2-pin aftermarket cables available -The cable does not spin around freely and IEMs can be easier to put in quickly -Can have material that seals the electrical connections from outside contamination 2-pin can be "not-so-great" when: -The pin diameter of an aftermarket cable is made to a different standard (EDC/EDC3 use 0.78mm diameter vs. the 0.76mm usual NuForce diameter) -The +/- polarity can sometimes be reversed (EDC/EDC3 use different polarity from standard NuForce cables- same as Noble Audio, the Massdrop Plus, and most of the 2-pin cables we have tested)
MMCX connectors are great because: -There are also many aftermarket options available and the size of the connector is fairly standard -They can be easy to detach/re-attach -The cable can spin freely and this may be better ergonomically for some people MMCX can be "not-so-great" when: -Dust or corrosion can enter the spinning connector and cause intermittent drop-outs (depends on design/usage, sometimes a solvent can help) -You try to put IEMs in but the cable swivels and gets in the way -The cable can swivel too easily or does not keep shape and keeps falling out from behind the ear You should see both types of aftermarket cable options available on Massdrop. :)
Mar 2, 2018
CEE_TEEMaybe I am late, but I own the F9 Pro and they are very balanced and I am extremely happy with the sound (I like neutral sound). The only advantage that I see out of the bat on the F9’s are the materials, they are very well constructed, aluminum I believe. About sound, no opinion, since I have not heard the NuForce.
JaRa76If you think the F9 is balanced, you should be blown away by the balance of this unit. The F9 is very V-shaped and has scooped mids with some wild treble peaks:
If you're looking for something that's really balanced, you may want to check these out.
Mar 10, 2018
jaydunndidditOh thanks for your comment. what do you think about the UE 900s? They are on a massive discount and I have been considering them too..
Mar 10, 2018
jaydunndidditThere is a difference between the F9 and the F9 Pro’s, the Pros are not V shaped and the treble has been tamed. No doubt the NuForce will be good, but the F9 Pro’s, IMHO, are one of the best values right now in the market. Again, sound preference is subjective and I have not heard the NuForce yet.
Mar 10, 2018
JaRa76The Pro's are 'mildly' V-shaped. Maybe more U-shaped. Not a bad thing, just trying to nail down their frequency. The Fiio's from me have suffered an issue with smoothness. They don't sound awful, but something always sounds off a bit. Compared to my Shure, Noble, Nuforce, etc. something about their tuning, soundstage, imaging and so forth seem to be second fiddle to everything overall. Let alone speed and overall tone. I dunno, I don't think they sound 'awful' but they also don't sound special. They sound almost exactly like every hybrid IEM I've heard. I guess if you don't have a lot of other pairs they're completely competent. Sadly, they're just not good enough to make me sell something in my stable and add them to the rotation.
Mar 10, 2018
SethkotSadly, I haven't heard these. Just looking in the thread about quality issues has kinda scared me away despite the price so no impulse buy from me this time.
Mar 10, 2018
jaydunndidditWell, I have Shure se215, se425, Dunu titan 3 and the F9 Pros... the se425 are the more “neutral” of my collection, but they are boring, I prefer the F9’s. Again, matter of preference. Someday I will get some Noble, I just can’t justify them yet.
Mar 10, 2018
JaRa76Yeah, I can see that. I'm not a fan of anything V-shaped and tend to migrate to things neutral with a bit of warmth. A few extra db in the low-end doesn't hurt either. I have Shure 215, 535, and 846 (and countless others) so when I think of good bass, I'm always comparing against the 846. Simply, some of the best natural, fast, and subwoofer type bass I've heard from any IEM. For me, it has the perfect tone, texture, and snap I haven't been able to hear from any other set thus far.
Mar 10, 2018
jaydunndidditYes, 846’s are almost untouchable. Quite honestly, instead of getting these, if you do not care about portability, i will go for the HD58X for $50 more. I have the HD600’s and I would not change those headphones for any IEM’s.
Mar 10, 2018
JaRa76Just recently got my 6XX and been using them for gaming and they're pretty sweet. Have the 58X on order but I'm most excited about the Focal Elex. Honestly, if MD would offer the Campfire Andromeda I'd be pretty set for a good while. Maybe pick up a high end planar and call it quits for a while.
Mar 11, 2018
CEE_TEEOn the Massdrop x Nuforce EDC drop you said that the 2-pin connectors were 0.77mm so I just wanted to clarify if it's supposed to be 0.78mm or 0.77mm
Mar 17, 2018
CEE_TEEThanks for this. Does this mean the EDC3 have same, or different polarity from the Noble and Massdrop Plus IEMs?
Mar 17, 2018
gemmoglockSame polarity as the Noble and Massdrop Plus. Been trying to make them interchangeable. And...have some other pretty cool cables coming. ;)
Mar 17, 2018
Jak.eYou'll see some manufacturers specify 0.77mm or 0.78mm but these are generally both the slightly larger diameter version of the 2-pin system. Either of these should work but can depend on manufacturing tolerances on the connectors and the pins.
The smaller version pins and connectors can be specified at 0.74mm, 0.75mm or 0.76mm.
To see how much variation exists, here is a decent online reference:
You'll see Massdrop add cable options over the course of 2018. We'd love to make it easier to connect everything.
Mar 18, 2018
CEE_TEEHow do they compare to the Pinnacle PX from MD? Thanks @CEE_TEE
May 10, 2018
CEE_TEEHi :-) I will receive sonner as I expected my item and I wonder I could change the cable for a balanced one? I will plug it into a hiby r3 2,5mmm output balanced.
Do you have any some links to purchase this kind of cables suited for the edc3?
Thank you
May 10, 2018
helmut_perchuWe are working on it...I do not have a date yet, however.
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