bought the HD600 a while back, and man were those nice, except for the bass being weak. I ordered a pair of HD6xx, and since they will take a while to arrive, I went ahead and picked up a pair of hd58x to listen to while I waited. I have to be honest.. Im disappointed. The HD600 had so much clarity, female vocals would bring tears to your eyes. Its just not there on the 58x. Sounds muffled, veiled, whatever you want to call it, in comparison. The black is awesome, compared to the marble
look of the HD600. I see a lot of favorable reviews, so who knows, a lot of other people might like them.
OzneteastWhat are you using to drive these? I'm using a Micca Origen+ DAC/Amp. I have both the 6XX and now the 58X and so far I'm tempted to say the 58X sounds better than the 6XX. Even with more bass the 58X seems more clear to me than the 6XX which has a smoother overall sound. The 58X is more lively in comparison. I also have the 598SR but I haven't done a comparison to those yet.
Mark_MJust an iPad air2. Maybe it does need a dac/amp, but I hesitate, because it was there with the hd600 unamped, and that was even harder to drive than the 59x. I thought one of the features of the59x was lower impedance to make it easier for mobile devices to drive? Anyway. Was considering a dragonfly red. Or, one of those 70$ 12au7 tube amps, like the bravo. I would easily spend the money.. I just can't buy everything to test it and return, Amazon would probably ban me...
OzneteastWell I've heard the Dragonfly Red is a good option for portable use. I usually use my headphones while sitting at home so I don't need to worry about portability. The Micca Origen+ I mentioned is a great starter DAC/Amp and I think it's under $100. There have been great options on here for DAC/amp but they're $250 US and up. That's over $320 Canadian and and that's a bit much for me right now.
OzneteastIf you plan on running your 6xx’s through an iPad, then expect to be disappointed again, and definitely expect more of that veil. They’ll get loud enough, but dynamic range will take a massive hit. Massdrop marketed the 58x as more portable friendly, but 150 ohms is going to be too much for most mobile devices. And ohms is only one half of the equation when it comes to drivability. In reality, the 58x’s aren’t much easier to drive than the 6xx’s.
Aja12I bought a dragonfly red. It's a night and day difference. I still think I'm going to prefer the 6xx, and I'm now kind of excited waiting for them. I think these still need more power. Can you recommend a dac/amp you think will work well? Up to say $500?
OzneteastMy FiiO Q1 MkII works great to drive them beyond levels I would normally listen the 58Xs at. At home I use my Emotiva A100 and holy crap even at 150 ohms they love the power of that reasonably priced amp.
etroze86Hi, I have the 58X using it with fiio m7 (it doesn´t sound good , very thin and bright) thinking of buying a q1 mark II, In your opinion how the sound with the q1?, loud enough, warm or thin, thanks