Refusal to take responsibility.
Hi, Just thought I would make a note here of your handling of my issues. I ordered a pair of HD6xx headphones and then earlier today recieved the package. I drive to go and get it, as I like in the UK I had to pay import tax and handling fees. These total £47.92. The breakdown being £35.92 in tax and £12 in fees. These taxes were calculated of the shipping label of the box, which marked the shipment as the 6xx headphones of $199 value. Before leaving the parcel depot, I open the box to find a $35 lord of the rings mousepad. So now the problem is not only do I not have the headphones, but you have marked the shipment wrong so I have paid £47.92 fees for the handling of the mousepad. Which would have acrued £0 of fees if marked correctly as it is under £135. I go back to the desk but as I have already paid the fees I am unable to reject the shipment, but as the box said 6xx, there was no way for me to know before opening it. I contact support and they offer me a replacement, which...
Jan 17, 2025
Nice peace offering from Sennheiser that is run aground by aggressively rolled off community tuning. These offer great performance for the dollar, definitely sounding similar to the classic 580/600/650(6xx) 300 ohms they mimic.
Sennheiser are clearly trying to consolidate their production line with the new 150 ohm (HD 700, HD660S) driver and phase out those pesky old 650/600s that people keep buying. The 660S by all reports doesn't suffer from the severe resonant ringing that humbled the HD700 (watching that MSRP drop was amusing), and their close massdropped sibling the 58x are a pleasant enough impersonation of the 650.
-The Sound-
To my ear, however, they have taken the damping a little too far (lots of mods that suggest removing the foam will restore restore some detail, I don't doubt it). While I always preferred the curated presentation and lush mids of my HD600 to my 650, I never felt the 650s were too distant or veiled. . . the 58x however I find is approaching this territory within the tuning.
-The Bottom Line-
If I want a rolled off bass heavy sound, I have non-Senns that do MUCH better than these, and as Senn headphones, it's really hard not to suggest just saving up an extra $50 and getting the 6xx instead (or keep going and 'splurge' for the HD600).