mine arrived today and they so far look okay i will not be able to test them till tomm. i am a bit bummed about my serial i bought them when literally 3 were sold and my serial is well over 4000. not the end of the world but when we sit and wait for a drop to go live to get in early it does annoy me. i was hoping it would at least be close.
mastershakeWrite into support, there were ~60 people who got the wrong serials, you should have already received an email about it but contact support through your transactions page regardless.
bsastorWhen you go to production on something, especially something new, you generally dont produce 3567 units, even if that's how many you sold. You want to produce the number you need to hit the target costs for the product, even if it's more than you sold initially.
Right now there are ~5000 58X's in the world, so yes, #4000+ will get bought in the drops to come 👍🏻
WillWill if i was to buy a pair from todays drop could they then send me the low serial i was promised from the original drop and ill keep both pair? im sure i know someone who would want this pair i already have.
mastershakeI dont know the specifics of your situation, but generally, the low serial number units were delayed in shipment, and about 60 people were shipped the wrong serial ranges.
If you havent received an email about this, please contact support through your transactions page.
Buying another unit in this new drop is not going to hasten the delivery of your original low serial unit, the shipments are unrelated.
Willokay thanks. i just figured they could ship the low serial one out instead of the one from this drop. just was trying to save shipping back and forth was all. i did contact support.
mastershakeHopefully you'll hear back soon from the support folks. I haven't received my shipment but I did get the email saying, "You may or may not have the right serial number. Contact us when your package comes in." I asked what the options were and asked a question along the lines of what you're asking. I received a favorable response and am still eager in my expectation of the package. Do check your email; I found the options they presented to be favorable, all things considered.
mastershakeIs the serial number really that important? To me it means nothing. If it came with extras or special cables or colors or something then it might be worth it but it's the same headphone with a different number, nothing more.