This is too confusing. I bought the 58x because it was meant to be like the 580, closer to the 600. Now in production, the chart profile of the 58x looks more like the 650 with slightly more bass, How does that make sense??? – prototype vs production excuses don’t count!!
CokemanI just received my 58x, whatever they did or say, it does not matter... I am enjoying them a lot, so I'll be in my quiet moment for a long while... now I'm wondering about the 600s... somehow the bass does not feel overwhelming... the highs... hmmm... detailed.... very nice... very nice... very nice.... .... ... ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
WalterBlackBecause that's not the point of the 600 series, they are supposed to be on the flatter side to be analytical headphones and pushes the 58X even farther away from the HD580 sound.
CokemanTo me the purpose or headphones is to sound good. Not sound like they are supposed to according to their name.
The goal of the 58x clearly was not to reproduce the 580's one.
WalterBlackYeah, but the bump in the mid bass could cloud the mids. It's not characteristic of this series, if you want bass, you don't buy the 600 series, not their purpose.
Will see what you are talking about for the 600 series' sound signature when I receive the HD6xx.
Long wait. I hope the bass is still present as I think it brings some '' liveliness '' to the sound.
CokemanApparently it is now. They said the feedback was for increased bass output, I read that b4 going in. All I can say is that the bottom end on my pair is quite respectable, way better than my hd580s which only sound flat when cranked up loud. I will do some,more listening tonight against my hd800's for reference but my initial listen was enjoyable. Taste probably is to blame but I wonder if There is production variation in this model?