Just received the HD 58X
I'm an audio mastering engineer and music producer, I've spent my life buried in audio frequencies. If you want another take on how your songs should sound, buy the Sony MDR 7506 headphone ($99), you'll be astonished at how this Sony headphone wields its magic.
With a good-quality amp, and at normal gain, the sound from the HD 58X is superb, a big thumbs up👍
As opposed to the Sennheiser HD800 which sounds overbloated in the bass and has an overall artificial 3D vibe to it, it's not reference sound imo, the soundstage has it's own dome character due to the earcup design possibly, but the HD 58X is a true reference headphone, it's an accurate headphone and close to perfection.
FlyingDiscI was referring to the troll who goes by mbot.
I know the 7506 very well; it has been my live room for probably 30 yrs. Not because they are the superb high-end cans, but because they last, they play loud, and everybody who has ever been in a studio knows what to expect. They sound remarkably consistent whether it through some Rane buss amp or plugged in to my Neve. ...also, I have bins of parts for them. Never have I considered them control room HPs.
With regard to Senns, Mclown does not know what he's talking about (and won't shut up about it) and has apparently never heard them through complimentary amplification.
jaffeONe of my secret listening devices is the Sony HDR-10's and 110s
they are super cheap and are actually very flat and very true to the input.
Like $20 when they were available new.
I'm an audio mastering engineer and music producer, I've spent my life buried in audio frequencies. If you want another take on how your songs should sound, buy the Sony MDR 7506 headphone ($99), you'll be astonished at how this Sony headphone wields its magic.
With a good-quality amp, and at normal gain, the sound from the HD 58X is superb, a big thumbs up👍
As opposed to the Sennheiser HD800 which sounds overbloated in the bass and has an overall artificial 3D vibe to it, it's not reference sound imo, the soundstage has it's own dome character due to the earcup design possibly, but the HD 58X is a true reference headphone, it's an accurate headphone and close to perfection.