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Jul 28, 2018
Not much of an Audiophile but I started to love music in depth when I bought my ATH-M50x. If someone could give me a summary of difference between M50x and this HD58X.
Jul 29, 2018
JuanStepI haven't received my 58X yet, however giving a comparison based on other Sennheiser headphones I've used; The M50x are solid for entry-level listening, but they are closed-back, so the soundstage isn't nearly as wide as the 58X, 600, 650, etc. are going to be. If you're just getting into audio, I'd recommend picking up a pair and a decent DAC/Amp because while in the case of the 58X you could technically power them through your computer, you'd really benefit from listening through an Amp and/or DAC.
Aug 1, 2018
JuanStepI've got a pair of ATH-M50x that I've been using daily to listen to music and do videoconferencing. Great cans, however, the HD58X headphones were noticeably better when I first slipped them on. Much deeper and smoother bass and great mids and separation/soundstage. I like the highs better on the ATH-M50x. Overall, however, I like the HD58X better.
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