I cant believe these havent sold out yet, they are the best deal in headphones currently. I like them more than the 6xxs which I also hd and sold as these replaced them. Even on a high end amplifier, where the 6xxs supposedly scale better, I still preferred these. They have slightly less detail due to the 3/4 region being lower compared to the 6xx but that also means they are easier to listen to on some tracks as that region can be fatiguing.
I dont think they are quite as exciting sounding as the 660s, which has just a touch more treble that made violins in particular sound better an d acoustic guitars sound phenomenal, but they are darned close and way cheaper.
If your looking to spend less than 200 bucks on headphones, and you dont need a closed pair, this is THE deal.
KethYou can get close to it with EQ. Some people have also found removing the foam covers from behind the drivers makes the 58x sound more open as well, given that the others in the series dont have those covers. This will reduce the bass extension. but give it more air. Diyaudioheaven has a extended mod guide that explains how to improve the 58x if you want to do so DIY.
Personally I think they are good stock and havent really bothered with it. I enjoy them more than the 6xx stock.
VishmawI've heard that if you don't like the "Sennheiser Veil" the 58x is the model to get. I love my Fidelio X2's, but I'm really hoping the improved spacial imaging of these will make gaming more enjoyable.
KethThe soundstage of the X2 is wider than these, but I would say the separation and iamging is better here. I personally dont like the X2 due to it having very grainy treble and a very recessed midrange.
Neither these nor the 660s have the Sennheiser veil IMO, that was one of their goals with the new 150ohm drivers I think and they met them.
VishmawI really enjoy my X2's for gaming and movies, and have largely corrected for the midrange in EQ, I'm not a fan of bright treble and find it very fatiguing.
I dont think they are quite as exciting sounding as the 660s, which has just a touch more treble that made violins in particular sound better an d acoustic guitars sound phenomenal, but they are darned close and way cheaper.
If your looking to spend less than 200 bucks on headphones, and you dont need a closed pair, this is THE deal.