PaulBeenisTheParrotI did. Shamelessly. I mean, I wanted an open back headphone but the HD600 and HD650 were slightly out of budget for the time being (and I don't have any good amps, just a lowly Fiio Q1, so that had to be upgraded too) and I was looking at my other options. And Z dropped the bomb, so I had to bite. I'm taking a risk ordering a 150$ can on Massdrop when I'm from Greece, as import fees might actually mess me up pretty bad, but it's a risk I'm willing to take.
PaulBeenisTheParrotHis comparison to the Fidelio X2's is what sold me. As someone who games a lot, the X2's massive sound stage makes it hard to interpret directional audio cues, and these are supposedly better than the already excelent 600's in that here's hoping. On the downside I can't use my Vmoda Boompro with these.
FenrizI mean the honest truth is that headphones are a high margin business. The 600 series is a great example of market segmentation based on subjective differences, rather than empirical performance or simply to recoup development cost.
PaulBeenisTheParrotyup, except I already have 660s but as soon as I saw the review I was like........ oh....... dang.. So I ordered a pair of these to have as a spare pair that I can take with me when I go away without risking the 'overpriced' 660s.. :/
Marduke83Yeah except where do you bring them being open back? I have tried once in a shopping centre at low/medium volume and people were staring at me inside shops... They works as speakers more the headphones....
Marduke83Ok fair enough. I travel with my wife and kid generally and an open back is a no no in a hotel room. I bought a Sony Z7 and a ATH W5000 for this. The last for classical and instrumental music the other for all other genres. I wish sennheiser would make a 58X or 660s closed back.