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Sep 18, 2018
I just wanna ask...
Can The Sennheiser GSX 1000 AMP handle the HD58x perfectl??
Sep 19, 2018
SkwadxIf these run off a phone there is a real good chance they would work with the GSX 1000.
SkwadxI use my HD 58X Jubilee on my GSX 1000 frequently, with no hesitation in recommending it.
Jan 29, 2019
EvshrugI ordered the same combo (headphone and DAC/AMP) for PC gaming. Plan on adding a modmic 5 once I get combo first. What's your overall experience, thus far? Any cons? I'm coming from PC headsets (Void Pro, Cloud II, Revolver S, Arctis 5). I am hoping for an earth shattering experience since I heard audiophile headphones make a difference. Also, it'll be my first open back headphones... all my PC headsets were closed.
the_runner213Hmm, good question. I actually just met the guys who made the headphones for Kingston on Sunday (or at least they claimed to be), they were at the NAMM show in California. Now, those are pretty good value PC gaming headsets. What you get with a music focused open headphone like the HD 58X Jubilee... it’s very impressive, but keep in mind it’s not what gamers traditionally see as “blow me away” traits like big bass and sharp treble that makes you jump. What you should probably notice is things sound very clean, more balanced and natural. Natural tends not to be exciting (and the HD 58X is a tad bit more exciting than neutral), but it is (usually) easier to listen to for a long time, more able to trick you with the sense of realism, help you appreciate all the work it took to add all the pieces and elements that make up a song or sound effects of a game, and ultimately while it just sounds “very good” on first listen your favor should grow for it over time. The GSX 1000 isn’t a super megabucks amp or the most pristine DAC, but it IS a solid all-in-one DSP/DAC/AMP with mic input. The amp should drive the HD 58X with plenty of headroom to spare, the DAC should be free from issues, but I personally feel that the surround DSP is one of the best in the biz and take you a long way towards realism and immersion. Love the binaural processing when the GSX is fed with surround info from a game, like Overwatch or Skyrim. However, you probably should turn surround off for YouTube and music. Feel free to try it out, sometimes it is nice and sounds more speaker-like for me, but sometimes (especially with YouTube and people just talking) it just adds distracting reverb and crossfade so that everything sounds like it was recorded in a bare, empty room.
Feb 11, 2019
Evshrugthanks bro.. thats a looot. do you have a youtube channel or something
SkwadxYes, I use the same username there as here (evshrug). Lower case and capital E are both me, but I’ve been uploading to “evshrug” the most. If you watch a few videos, let me know if you think I should product content more regularly.
Apr 8, 2019
EvshrugThank you Evshrug for finally settling my mind on this
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