Guys, I've been learning A LOT about myself with the HD 58X. These are my most affordable headphones price-wise, but that means NOTHING. They provide me with such musical enjoyment, I always feel happiness in my heart when listening to music through them. It's like I ignore the $149.99 price tag and secretly consider them my highest-end headphones. I always leave them for last when testing new music, like unconsciously leaving the best for last.
Yes, their highs are less sparkly up top than my other headphones, but the bass is superior, so tight and quick while having enough thump to fill the ears just right. The mids are unrivaled. It's not an EQ-thing, but the aural presentation itself. The mids reveal all the macrodynamics that I miss with my other headphones. They really present the entire flavor of the music, not just the sound information. Yeah. They're FLAVORFUL. Money can't buy that, guys. I just realized that!
A high price means nothing in this context. Headphones either hit the spot or they don't. The Jubilees do, almost bully-like, better than anything else I've owned regardless of price. They ring the bell. They push the button. They tickle the fancy. The brain just knows, and dopamine starts flowing. My consciousness changed today, like something finally clicked. How did it happen? Searching on Google for my favorite gospel reggae singer. I found out today Nengo Vieira released a new live album just a month ago called Bon's Momentos (Ao Vivo). I deaf-bought the entire album on iTunes after previewing a few seconds of my favorite tracks with my ATH-M70x plugged to an Audient iD14. It's just my portable recording setup, not my music enjoyment gear.
Have you ever been to a live performance and everyone is waiting in anticipation for the show to begin? When the first song finally starts, have you felt a rush of emotion because the music sounds so beautiful and alive, it takes you by surprise? Eyes get teared up and throat gets choked up. After all the suspense, when the bass and kick drum hit for the first time and the sound travels throughout the venue and reaches your ears, the goosebumps come in waves and it feels sublime, almost romantic. A fraction of a second later, the rest of the instruments follow and it feels like being hugged by the music. The vocals come in and it's like finally hearing a loved one you missed for an entire existence. It's borderline overwhelming.
A sense of relief and quenching overtakes you because you didn't remember you needed to experience that so badly until that moment you finally did and remembered. You know what? The Jubilees are the only headphones that caused me that with the new album I purchased. I heard a few tracks with my other headphones and they sounded great, but left me wanting. When I plugged the HD 58X to the iD14 and started the album from the beginning, I ended up listening to it entirely. I was feeling total bliss, and my heart was beating differently. Deep inside, I was like, "Uh...I...uh...thank God for giving me eaaaarrrrssss. I feel soooo good!" I was receiving it all, both the sound AND the music itself.
Yeah...the $149.99 Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee.
EDIT: Massdrop, really...honestly...truly...sincerely...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR NEVER GIVING UP. You brought us Made in Ireland Sennheisers for $149.99 and they've revolutionized our headphone collections. You have written your own chapter in the audiophile history book. Fathom that. You guys did it! God bless you.
Yes, their highs are less sparkly up top than my other headphones, but the bass is superior, so tight and quick while having enough thump to fill the ears just right. The mids are unrivaled. It's not an EQ-thing, but the aural presentation itself. The mids reveal all the macrodynamics that I miss with my other headphones. They really present the entire flavor of the music, not just the sound information. Yeah. They're FLAVORFUL. Money can't buy that, guys. I just realized that!
A high price means nothing in this context. Headphones either hit the spot or they don't. The Jubilees do, almost bully-like, better than anything else I've owned regardless of price. They ring the bell. They push the button. They tickle the fancy. The brain just knows, and dopamine starts flowing. My consciousness changed today, like something finally clicked. How did it happen? Searching on Google for my favorite gospel reggae singer. I found out today Nengo Vieira released a new live album just a month ago called Bon's Momentos (Ao Vivo). I deaf-bought the entire album on iTunes after previewing a few seconds of my favorite tracks with my ATH-M70x plugged to an Audient iD14. It's just my portable recording setup, not my music enjoyment gear.
Have you ever been to a live performance and everyone is waiting in anticipation for the show to begin? When the first song finally starts, have you felt a rush of emotion because the music sounds so beautiful and alive, it takes you by surprise? Eyes get teared up and throat gets choked up. After all the suspense, when the bass and kick drum hit for the first time and the sound travels throughout the venue and reaches your ears, the goosebumps come in waves and it feels sublime, almost romantic. A fraction of a second later, the rest of the instruments follow and it feels like being hugged by the music. The vocals come in and it's like finally hearing a loved one you missed for an entire existence. It's borderline overwhelming.
A sense of relief and quenching overtakes you because you didn't remember you needed to experience that so badly until that moment you finally did and remembered. You know what? The Jubilees are the only headphones that caused me that with the new album I purchased. I heard a few tracks with my other headphones and they sounded great, but left me wanting. When I plugged the HD 58X to the iD14 and started the album from the beginning, I ended up listening to it entirely. I was feeling total bliss, and my heart was beating differently. Deep inside, I was like, "Uh...I...uh...thank God for giving me eaaaarrrrssss. I feel soooo good!" I was receiving it all, both the sound AND the music itself.
Yeah...the $149.99 Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee.
EDIT: Massdrop, really...honestly...truly...sincerely...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR NEVER GIVING UP. You brought us Made in Ireland Sennheisers for $149.99 and they've revolutionized our headphone collections. You have written your own chapter in the audiophile history book. Fathom that. You guys did it! God bless you.