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Oct 4, 2018
IMO....This is the best value headphone that Massdrop has produced....period.
I have the hd-6xx.... I prefer the Jubilees.
Its bass is just so much better...
Cking96Do go on... I'm torn between them.
Oct 4, 2018
StuffinMcMuffinsHaven't heard the 6xx, but I can attest to the 58x being fun. The bass is surprising for an open back, it kicks when it is supposed to, doesn't get muddy and clutter the mids--while maintaining sub-bass extension. Clarity is great (as with the 6xx), highs are detailed whilst not sibilant (listening to the 'piercing' treble in some of Random Access Memories, it is neither veiled nor harsh). Mids are similarly detailed with no obvious dip to my ears, and imaging/separation is also suberb (once again, same with the 6xx per others).
Plus, they are easier to drive. I expected mediocre audio out of my phone (a cheap moto g5) but the 58x was no less fun and detailed (with highest volume being too loud for more than a few seconds of listening).
58x, my man. worth it.
Oct 4, 2018
StuffinMcMuffinsI prefer the HD58x but there isn't that much diffence. I'd say get these and an amp.
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