Well, I guess I'm not getting my two pairs from here. The USPS shipping originally said they'd be delivered Saturday the 18th. Saturday came and went with no updates. Early this morning it changed the delivery date to today, the 20th. Well, it's after 6pm here and nothing at all. I'm sure tomorrow it'll say Tuesday. Based on my experience, usually when two delivery dates have come and gone, something is wonky.
On top of that, the last thing the tracking shows is that they departed "City of Industry, CA" several days ago with no updates in the middle other than the delivery date changing.
I'll see what tomorrow brings, but I'm not holding my breath. Hopefully MassDrop has good customer support...
adajacI'm glad most people are getting theirs. The main concern is that they missed two dates now - I live on the west coast and most things from CA make it to my door in two days, sometimes even 1. If they're not delivered tomorrow and the date changes yet again, I'll contact MassDrop to see what's going on and what they can do.