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950 requests
Product Description
The MelGeek Electric Suter Air System is a must for any Mech Keys enthusiast. With the push of a button, you can blast away the buildup between your keys, giving your fingers a clean canvas to type on Read More
You can but this kind of small specialized blower is going to be best for detail areas. There are some bigger blowers that are probably more efficient for cleaning your PC internals regularly.
What makes this so much less expensive than the Hurricane Canless Air System? Would this be effective for more heavy-duty dusting (like internal computer components, for instance)?
For those who are wondering how loud this thing is, it is loud. 80db loud, louder than my vacuum cleaner. 40,000rpm too. 17 min run time on a full charge. Charge time is 1.6h-2.5h
Is this the same product as the ABVOT-branded canless air duster with similar specs and appearance on Amazon with a different colorway? Feel like that could be useful for potential buyers, since if so it has a large and mostly positive review pool but also potentially ESD issues.