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A community member
Aug 22, 2018
very poor sound quality, get Shanling M0
Oct 2, 2018
i hear the m0 actually sounds like crap com pared to the rest. Wonder if you can link to any m0 comparisons that back up what you say about it being the best sounding shanling because i can't find any.
A community member
Oct 2, 2018
Nightf0xxAfter many years of experience with electronics (I am electronics engineer) I do not rely on reviews anymore, I look sometimes on Amazon or here at Massdrop where people freely express their impressions, they are mostly not bribed by industry. Besides I have musical education (piano) and trust my hearing more than anything else, also I spend at least couple hours listening new device on specially selected tracks to get thorough impression. What I read is that people are annoyed by M0 UI, it is difficult to us for people with big hands, mine are just regular and I have no problem at all. However, taste and music choice and hearing vary greatly - therefore all my advice is IMHO:).
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