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Nov 26, 2014
Is this AUD or USD?
Nov 26, 2014
audionewbiUSD unfortunately
Nov 26, 2014
KiritoYuukifair enough, I got mine from Japan for 800 USD. I would have imagined getting a massdrop unit should have been cheaper.
Nov 26, 2014
audionewbiThen I guess you didn't get the large plastic case that comes along with the US version.
Nov 27, 2014
stormmilkI was able to get mine for $725 from a Shure Authorized retailer, complete with full warranty. If you ask, they are sometimes willing to work with you. I order a bunch of stuff from them, though, so they were especially willing to work with me. :-)
Nov 28, 2014
sq3rjickHey hey sq3rjick. I like to do all the research I can before making a purchase like this one. Own several Goldenear speakers (after doing substantial research and price matching), which I can't recommend highly enough. Anyways, any chance you'd let me know which Authorized Retailer you're referring to? Thanks!
Nov 29, 2014
sq3rjickYea so you got a insider's price. Nice.
Dec 1, 2014
JLMVFXI know some people are able to get them for $750-800 from Sweetwater. I'd rather not divulge my source, though...I have a feeling that my rep stuck his neck out on me to keep me happy and gave me them for slightly under their minimum price (which was worth it to keep me coming back). But really, you can try hitting up any of the authorized retailers -- the worst they can say is "no", and that means you're in the same position you were already in.
Dec 1, 2014
stormmilkYeah, I'm sure that was the case. That being said, some others in the Head-Fi SE846 thread have reported prices from $725 to $850 when they tried to haggle. I suspect it has a lot to do with the specific rep they speak with (another key -- it's much harder to turn you down on the phone when you talk to a real human than it is to ignore or reject an email), and the business they're doing. Some reps would rather give you a bit of a deal to get you in the door in hopes that you'll come back, while some would always like to keep a nice margin for themselves.
If I recall correctly, the authorized retailer volume price on the SE846 is somewhere around $716 at the lowest level (although it is certainly more at lower quantities). It's my guess that the retailer here is selling the units to Massdrop for around $800, and Massdrop is taking around $30 for each unit (which really isn't that much for coordinating the drop and the overhead of running a business). It's definitely a great deal if you don't want to haggle yourself, but if you're willing to work it's definitely possible to source them (new, full warranty) for less.
Dec 2, 2014
sq3rjickI've seen a lot of people leaving the drop. Guess they went to the UERM one.
Dec 2, 2014
stormmilkwell, there are better deals available stateside on these
Dec 3, 2014
stormmilkMD gotta do better than that, at least for the US buyer. I found a $750 price without much negotiation, but could have gotten even lower price.
Jan 14, 2015
sq3rjickWith all due respect to everyone's opinion, having retired after 30 years in consumer products sales management and been an audiophile for over 40 years, these cost Massdrop allot less than $800. They couldn't keep the lights on for that thin of a margin. Would love to see a Shure rep confirm or deny (exact cost not wanted/needed).
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