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Jun 22, 2018
I first became aware of SMSL with the M8 release but never took the plunge. What impressed me was the linear power supply (P1 I think) they offered to team with the M8 was based around a toroidal no less and had a bank of noise filtering caps. This kind of power supply is usually associated with pretty decent HiFi and PA amplifiers but not so usual in line level devices. This type of power supply can make a huge difference to clean and clear audio output because the signal reference and power rails are so stable and free of anomalies. I'd be interested to know if this unit employs this type of PSU, also many devices provide what is essentially standard line level output, (read not subject to volume control). To team a DAC with an analogue amp, most would be interested in it having a remote volume control. That question has been asked previously and I think it's a good one that needs an answer because, sometimes this is the only solution. I probably won't buy a SMSL now as I already have this side of things sorted albeit in a much more expensive way but if the M8 and P1 are any indication, SMSL are worth serious consideration from a value for money viewpoint. I haven't seen reliable source, reviews on this particular product though.
Jun 26, 2018
kenwstrRemind me to post in mid-august. I'll have it up against a Topping D30, which I've enjoyed.
Sep 5, 2018
kenwstrWere you ever able to find more information on the Su8's poewr supply/ filtering caps?
Thanks -Yen
Sep 6, 2018
youthatlrgNo, sorry but I was not seriously interested enough to really try that hard.
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