I feel cheated.. Too bad I can't cancel my order. If they can be obtained for 1/4 of the price elsewhere why does the site still offers them? Going to PayPal resolution to obtain a refund..
cheek_angThat's pretty shitty to do. All Massdrop sales are final. You pay for what you get. This information was out ahead of time. Massdrop oughta use this chat for evidence when the dispute comes around. And its only ten dollars. Its really not that big of a deal.
tyler555what i do is none of your bloody business. if u feel its fine to pay for overpriced item thats your call. i use this website to scored cheap deals. deals that benefit both the seller and the buyer. we buy in bulk for a fraction less than the original price. the sellers in turns gets more volume sales. these sellers dont even have to stock up or worry about cash flow. it benefits them and they can stay in business with less capital. so they can in turn lower the price. in this patrticular instance. they charge us up to 4 times for a generic item. i did not benefit. the site ripped us off on this deal (and only on this deal) . its my call if i wanna reneged on this sale and spend my money on something else. on this site and wherever.
use the chat as evidence? r u high? they can ship me the item. i send it back and get a refund. ITS MY RIGHT! and they will honour it. i will continue to use this site. because its a great idea! i love it! i just dont love this deal. deal with it.
cheek_angI have a suggestion. Could you try to contact MassDrop to change the order to my account /shipping address instead? I would like a set and will be happy to buy them from you. If they can change the shipping address, and email me asking for that to confirm, I will Paypal you the money.
cheek_angyes but you need to contact Massdrop first not just open a paypal dispute. By the way, I know you must be new to purchasing things, but it's better to do your research, and read fine print before you purchase something.
cheek_angYou can return something if the seller allows it, IT'S THE SELLER'S RIGHT, not yours, to accept or deny refunds and returns. If the seller says "No refunds or returns" or "All sales are final" then you cannot return items. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to understand the Terms and Conditions that come with making purchases.
i'm not abusing the charge dispute. or whatever that means...how can u champion the claims of a seller? u r a buyer, u have as much right as the seller. a seller is protected if i made a false and inaccurate fraudulent claim. they are protected. i'm NOT scamming them. i'm just letting them make one less profit out of a few hundred. if this vendor comes with a better deal of another item. i will gladly buy. any goods u buy regardless is entitled to a refund. if u return the good in exact condition as when u acquire it. this is not about being a man about it or whatever. this is a goods and service dispute. i am simply pointing out facts. i have not at any one time fabricate lies. i made a conscious u turn about my purchase.