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The Mind Card Game

The Mind Card Game

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105 requests
Product Description
Both a thought experiment and team game, The Mind is a multiplayer adventure where you’ll join forces with your friends to complete levels. With each level, a new challenge is posed, and it’s up to you and your team to work through the problem to move forward Read More

Very good game. Played with my cousins last week and had a lot of fun. The price here is not very good. No deal though. It is listed reg 14.99$ CAD here...
Jan 1, 2019
It seems like a great game, however I don't understand how this can be a one player game though. It say 1-4 players, just can't think how one player would play the game. Also I would agree that the price can be a bit cheaper at least too.
Dec 31, 2018
Can we know the rules in greater detail? It will either make or break the game after all
Dec 31, 2018
phoenixsongActually never mind; thinking of tweaking it to adjust the difficulty for different players haha :)
Dec 31, 2018
I'm usually on board with your drops, but this saves less than a dollar from Amazon, and takes a month to ship as opposed to two days. I'm pretty sure the administration won't read this comment, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
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