Overview/Specs doesn't mention anything about a warranty. Am I to assume there is none? Amazon sells the unit with a "Warranty card" whatever that means. But it's at least something and perhaps included here as well?
Michael-QSome products purchased on Massdrop include a manufacturer's warranty. These products will have the warranty listed on the drop page. Products that don’t come with a manufacturer's warranty will be subject to a 30-day return policy. Note: Effective January 2017, the 1-year Massdrop warranty is no longer available for products that aren’t covered by a manufacturer warranty. Massdrop will honor the warranty for drops in which it was originally offered. If you experience any issues with your product and it’s within the 1-year warranty period, please contact Massdrop Support for assistance.
Michael-QSpecs don't mention warranty because there' none, from what I understand, per the site's policy. Once the 30 day return period is over, you're stuck with it. If it decides to go tits up beyond 30 days, you'll be SOL. So, buy it at your own risk, hoping that the couple of coins you save here is worth the potential risk of having a dead or deffective chi-fi device, with no recourse . As for me, I'd rather spend my money elsewhere.