This is the computer that the typewriter keys will get paired to. This former 1939 Philco radio cabinet features a quad 3.5 GHz i7, with 32 GB RAM, and an (as of today) GTX 980 ti, as well as a nixie tube clock.
The keyboard above is an example of the layout I will be using for my typewriter keys. It's my Danger Zone keyboard. I use a modified 75% + 1 layout (It has one extra column added to the right side). As you can see below, I got a pair of plates, one blue for the Danger Zone keys, and the other black for a typewriter build. Sadly, I've not yet constructed the black plate into a keyboard yet. Both keyboards will feature magnetically detachable number pads. Both keyboards will feature amber LEDs. The Danger Zone keyboard will be used primarily with a Kerbal Space Program custom built instrument panel.
That black plate will be the base for these typewriter keys, someday!