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Jun 22, 2015
Lots of ground to cover on this one.
We're very fortunate to have Ultimate Ears onboard for their second CIEM drop. The first was the Reference Monitor for Black Friday. Here, you have the 18 Pro to celebrate the summer. The pricing is always crazy amazing on these, so be sure to get in while the getting is good.
Having heard both the 18 Pro and UERM on multiple occasions, I give the edge to the 18 Pro for musical engagement. If you like a toe tapping good time, it's a fantastic companion that you can't go wrong with.
Article about CIEMs in general, FAQ with some pretty cool people in the industry:
Comparison of UE18 vs some other flagship TOTL CIEMs:
Ultimate Ears - PDF page for how impressions should be made (Bring to audiologist):
Quick Logistical Breakdown: 1. After the drop ends, you send in your ear impressions to Massdrop. 2. Massdrop collects the impressions received within 2 and 4 weeks of the drop end date, and ships them in batches to UE. 3. UE turns them around, ships back in 2 batches to Massdrop. We then ship with tracking to all members that participate. 4. Any members with impressions that are not received more than 4 weeks after the drop end date will be refunded immediately and no longer able to participate in the drop.
Neat Stuff for this Drop: 1. If you stop by UE Headquarters in Irvine or Massdrop HQ in downtown San Francisco, we will take your ear impressions for the drop absolutely free of charge. Make sure to make a reservation. 2. Once the drop ends, you're required to send pictures of your impressions in before mailing them. This is a quick check so that we're sure your impressions meet all the criteria necessary.
Please only pick ONE of the faceplate options at checkout, and check that the faceplate you're interested in is a different category in the other two (option at the very bottom). That should be it for now! Will update this post as more info rolls in.
Jun 22, 2015
Danny_LiuAre there any plans on bringing back the Ultimate Ears Reference Monitors in another drop?
Jun 22, 2015
missalaireGiven that we have this drop happening, I don't see why they wouldn't. Timing should also be much better, since there isn't the two week shutdown that plagued the UERM drop. If anything, the drop likely will be after this one runs it's course, and for a higher final price.
What I'm wondering is what will be done for those that already have impressions with UE, especially those that were part of the UERM drop...
Jun 22, 2015
wild_oneGood question. We had a similar situation last time where members already have impressions on file. If you're satisfied with how your current CIEMs fit, you're welcome to use the file UE has on hand.
Jun 22, 2015
missalaireI let UE know how many requests they have for the product (it was 800+ at last check), so they're aware of the interest in the UERMs. I can't say how soon or how certain I am yet, but fingers crossed.
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