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Product Description
Aiming for the sound of a custom in-ear monitor with the convenience of a universal fit, the Ultimate Ears UE900s is well suited for personal listening and professional applications alike. The IEM features a small shell that rests comfortably in most ears, regardless of size or shape, thanks to the proprietary fit tip system Read More
Initially uncomfortable as hell but after a week of messing with them and getting complys they sound great! They sharp edges dug into my ears but was able to find some complys that helped. They sound very balanced and just a tad forward but crystal clear. Ive Owned Shure SE 425, Ultimate ears triple fi, Sennheiser HD1s. The UE900s are the best of the bunch. My HTC 10 drives these pretty good but they sound great with an amplifier. I was surprised how good these sounded with my Schitt tube amp! They sounded much better after a couple of weaks to "break in" the bass was initially lacking but sound great now, tight and punchy. I did get captain overkill and bought some aftermarket cables and loved that they worked great with all the cables I bought. Im sure there are better IEMs but not at this price point that MAssdrop had these for ($170).
My experience can differ from yours, but take this into consideration.
When these worked, they worked great! I could hear things I never heard before so I was really excited for my first expensive ear buds. Sadly only after 2-3 months, it turned bad. The sound would go in and out, and I had to keep moving the cable around to fix it but that fix usually lasted a minute. Someone suggested to switch cables to see if it was that, and I switched cables to the extra one they gave you and it seemed to be the cable! started happening again with this extra cable. I spent a lot of money for these to not work and I was so angry and upset. I tried to even contact their support but the email seemed to get lost. Not wanting to buy a $80 cable for these to work for a few months, I just decided spend that money on new headphones. I bought 27$ ear buds on amazon, and they are lasting longer than these $300 ear buds.
While these earbuds do sound good (never had Armature IEM's before, have nothing to compare to) the big issue with them is the build quality. Specifically in my case the UE logo on the back is miss-aligned and as a result creates a bunch of sharp edges that scratch and irritate your ears after even short listening sessions. So ya, unless you magically know that your pair wont have this issue or you have the skills to fix it (I assume this involves either a file or some sort of heat gun but again I have no experience with this) I'd try to look for something else.
The cables are really bad, the first one broke just after a couple of weeks starting to give static noise. You get two cables in the box but the extra cable also broke a couple of months later. One of the IEMs just fell apart in two pieces, the black thing came off so I had to glue it together.