after fiddling with it for about 20 minutes i found that this keyboard only works properly in one specific USB 3 port on my pc. if it isnt in the right one, which there is no way of visually differentiating form the others, it is either not recognized at all and doesnt power up (USB 2 from what i saw) or spams a single key for 10 inputs or so every few minutes of constant typing. I dont know why this happens, but i hope that this post solves some problems for someone.
LeeginnI had troubles as soon as I started trying to use my keyboard. I found that it only works when I directly plug it into my Mac Book Pro (running windows 10) - it doesn't work through ANY USB hub, powered or not. This might be your issue, some of the USB ports on your PC might have internal hubs. I wrote to massdrop support asking if the manufacturer knows about this issue. When I connect it through a USB hub (eg in my monitor) the keyboard seem to reboot and do stupid things like you mentioned. It might be a power issue, or it might be a protocol issue, I haven't looked into it any more yet. Other than that, it is a nice keyboard! shame about the troubles.
Oatmeal138I did some more testing and it is definitely not a power issue, so some kind of firmware issue in the controller in the keyboard. From the chips inside the keyboard (separate controller and serial flash chip) I would guess that Varmilo simply buys the controller with the firmware already loaded, and the serial flash chip is for storing their VID/PID and other config data, but I could be wrong about that part (in other words - I don't believe Varmilo wrote the buggy firmware, so they probably couldn't fix it even if they wanted to). I have started designing a replacement controller PCB for myself. I would be happy to sell them to anyone who was interested in replacing the buggy controller in their VA108, but it might be 2 or 3 months until it is built and I write the firmware for it. I am planning on implementing 1000hz refresh and NKRO which can be enabled/disabled via a fn key combination, and I will be adding a detachable USB cable to my own keyboard.
The only thing Massdrop could offer me was to return and refund the keyboard, but despite it's flaw I like it too much, plus fixing it is a nice little project for me ;)
briswolfI would also be interested in buying the controller. I know this is like 2 years late, but I just bought one of these off Reddit and it is not recognized in any USB ports. I've tried on several machines.