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Dec 25, 2014
Bahaha, no, that's hilarious. The Gaterons aren't even cheaper. Just so everyone knows: The contacts aren't gold plated and the plastic is softer because it saves them money. They're not passing these savings on to you. Don't buy them.
Dec 25, 2014
NotApplicablesince gold plated contacts makes you kill your opponents faster while gaming, right?
Dec 25, 2014
mozaiqThe choices they have made result in a cheaper product and you, the consumer, are not seeing a lower price. I would instantly be suspicious. Remember, it's not *I* who has to prove my credibility, it is Massdrop/Vermillo/Gateron, as they are the people who are asking you to part with your money.
But, to answer your question, here is why the choices they have made result in an inferior switch and why Massdrop's framing of the product is naive at best and dishonest at worst:
Contacts are gold plated because it increases their lifespan and prevents or reduces mechanical wear, corrosion, and oxidation of the contacts. These are all things that would cause a switch to fail. A switch without gold plated contacts will fail when a switch *with* gold plated contacts would not. The softer plastic is less of an issue, but the keys held by the plunger would be more likely to twist and the plastic itself might be marred by harder keycaps. Soft plastic is what leads to things feeling "cheap."
Do these things matter to the average keyboard user? In the short term, no, but they definitely reduce the life of the product you are being sold. If you would expect your keyboard to last to the end of the switch's mechanical rating, you would want them to be gold plated. Massdrop (at the behest of Gateron, probably) claims Gateron switches are equals to Cherry. This is not true.
The switches themselves are probably fine. I would just expect them to be cheaper. They're not cheaper. So, they're a bad buy. Personally I might be interested in them if they were cheaper. I'm not trying to argue Cherry switches are inherently better or anything, or that it's not a real keyboard if you don't have Cherry switches, I'm just pointing out that Massdrop is "lying."
I hate liars.
NotApplicableI have never tried Gateron switches, but I, like many of us, have tried MX blue, black, brown, red and clear switches. I'd like to try something new. I think there is value in that.
Dec 26, 2014
InanisIf they're plated, then I agree there is no reason not to try them.
Dec 26, 2014
NotApplicableI hate people who treat Cherry as if they are some sort of sacred cow whose product cannot be improved upon.
Random NonClicky MX Blues/MX Greens: Check. Wildly inconsistant MX Whites: Check. Scratchy MX Red/MX Blacks: Check.
Just because a product is made in China doesn't mean it's by default inferior nor does it mean its workers should automatically be expected to accept a unfair wage so you can pay less.
Dec 26, 2014
everyusernametakenI mean if you were talking about Topre...
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