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I don't know what happened here, but I ordered the Gateron + rare tester. I got the Gateron switches, but I got red, blue, brown and black MX switches - NOT the rare ones. My heart is a little broken right now. :(
Feb 10, 2015
InanisUnfortunately I had the exact same thing happen to me. I ordered the Gateron + 'Rare' Cherry's but received the common Cherry's instead (Red, Blue, Black Brown). The Gateron + Rare Set. which ordered & expected is supposed to include: -"Five Gateron switches (Red, Black, Brown, Blue, Clear [35 g]) and four Cherry switches (Linear Grey, Tactile Grey, Milk [White], Green)."
contacted MD support & was informed that they "are working with the vendor to try and get the correct product". It seems that MD received "some incorrect inventory" from the vendor. I have faith in MD support & I know they will get the issue taken care of as soon as reasonably possible! I send MD my thanks in advance on clearing up this issue, even if that will take some time. At least I see that I am not the only one who had this same issue - if anyone else got the wrong switches I suggest you inform MD support so they can let you know when they have a solution.
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