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Apr 29, 2018
checkVerified Buyer
Ordered 1 x mmcx balanced and 1 x 2pin balanced.
This is about the mmcx balanced.
Nice cable(wire side) but the mmcx connector does not click. I am currently using it with shure se846 and the connector is not tightly coupled. One side(left) mmcx connects slightly better with very soft hint of connection but the right side doesn't make any click at all. While listening to music the right side disconnected while touching it. Tried to see if i could press it harder to make better connection but that was best I could do. Since then it did not disconnect but there is always a thought left behind that it does not connect well. Edit: it still disconnects intermittent when I touch it. Edit2: This morning when I was trying to wear my SE846 IEM, the left earpiece separated from this cable's mmcx connector. My earpiece almost dropped onto the floor. Stay away from this cable if you don't want to mess up your precious IEMs. Edit3: left earpiece also disconnects intermittently. Edit4: Decided to submit a ticket reporting this cable defective unit. It's unusable although I like the cable. Edit5: Refunded.
Next is the 2pin. Unfortunately they sent me 3.5mm single ended instead 2.5mm balanced. Ticket opened. Edit: Refunded as massdrop unable to provide replacement.
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