BStreetIf you look at the direction that V-Moda has been going, I doubt this will ever happen again. You gotta remember that Massdrop can't do anything without the manufacturers giving their support. V-Moda has never been doing better as a company, and I dare say the "community driven design" of their products was just a marketing ruse. Nowadays, they sell to big name celebrities who would pay $10,000+ for a pair of ear shields made of real gold. The 'community' might as well be dead to them.
I got tired of waiting on MassDrop and bought a pair off amazon. Thus I am removing my request for this item on massdrop.
A few things here, GET the XL Pads if you get these headphones! Unless you have a very tiny head you will definitely need them.
I love the functionality of being able to plug the line into either ear.
They are tank-tough phones. These things are very durable.
They are a little bass heavy. But as Zeos says, the mid-range is not recessed as fuck. I.e. they have a good balance and sound good. (I strongly suggest watching z-reviews youtube video for the M100's, its a good one),
Would I buy them again? Hard to say, This is my first delving into anything resembling good quality headphones since the hand-me-downs my older brother gave to me from the 1980's. Those sounded good. But these are better.
For the purpose I bought them for, (watching movies, gaming, listening to music, watching youtube, in a 3rd story city apartment which can get noise from outside randomly) they do a good job. So yes, I probably would buy them again. They are a bit heavy for extended listening and need a bit more padding on the headstrap. But that is fixed by putting a pad on your head before putting them on.
I suggest everyone who wants this to contact MassDrop Support and tell them to reactivate this drop already. I did, but got the stock "sorry we don't have control over what the purchasers do" response from the support staff who replied to my email. But if enough people hammer the support with msgs, maybe our requests will get through to someone who actually can get something done.
Sep 29, 2016