That super great accessory kit though. I really like Westone's foam and silicone tips, and the pack typically sells for $15 on it's own:
I'm actually surprised to see the Beta so heavily discounted. Gave it a listen, and it's definitely tuned for a bassy response. That said, it's not a sound signature I mind when I'm running or working out, because the lower end is what gives me a sense of rhythm. Pretty good value of the price.
Danny_LiuIt discounted because it's discontinued, but you still will get a full support with a 2 year warranty when you buy from an authorized Westone dealer, or a separate MD support (not related to Westone) when you are buying from this drop.
Could the timing of this drop has anything to do with my review of Beta on head-fi from last week? - always makes me wonder when after publishing my write ups on head-fi where i'm Contributors/Reviewer, I see product shows up on MD, even with a paraphrased quote from my review about "$15 eartips" :p
twisterIt's funny that you mention that! This one was a happy coincidence, where we were offered the product first. I ended up searching the internet to see if it was a good product, and actually came across your Head-Fi review.
It definitely goes both ways though. There's been other drops in the past where a Head-Fi member brings something to my attention, and then I go out and listen to it. If it turns out to be something I'm a fan of, I then actively source the product.
The reviews of yours I do come across are definitely worthwhile reads. I'm a fan!
I'm actually surprised to see the Beta so heavily discounted. Gave it a listen, and it's definitely tuned for a bassy response. That said, it's not a sound signature I mind when I'm running or working out, because the lower end is what gives me a sense of rhythm. Pretty good value of the price.