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Showing 1 of 57 conversations about:
Aug 4, 2018
I RockBoxed the original version of this player and loved it at first, but after a while it started shutting down on me. I don't know if it was the hardware or the RockBox port. Initially I suspected heat to be the culprit (I would leave it in the console of my car) but it started happening at night as well.
In order to get it running again, I had to eject both uSD cards and use a pin to press the reset switch, then re-insert the uSD cards and power it back up. It started happening more and more frequently. Since I was using it almost exclusively in my car, this wasn't going to cut it (can't go through that reset process when you're driving - talk about distracted!). I ended up replacing it with a Shanling M2S, which has given me no problems at all (I like it so much I just bought a 2nd one through the recent drop here).
One thing I liked about the original version was that it had 2 card slots. This let me use two 128GB cards instead of a single 256GB card. At the time, two 128s were significantly cheaper than one 256. For someone with a large music collection, it would still be a useful feature.
Aug 4, 2018
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