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Jan 18, 2022
Thank you for the little bass detail!! I've been wanting to go tube and the dark voice just calls to me, I have really neutral amps right now so I was thinking tube would be great for something with some flavor.
Jan 18, 2022
Mastaboog749It's just that... a little "flavor". I'm using BeyerDynamic DT 1990's with excellent low end response down to 5hz. After some initial tube / amp burn-in, they warmed up and had a punch and growl they had not had prior. There was also some crispness and excitement in the high end instruments. Cymbal-rides sizzled. Full disclosure, per many recommendations. I immediately rolled the stock tubes. They produced a darker sound, but not what I was seeking. Currently trying:
Winged "C" 6H13C / 6AS7G

Tung-Sol 6SN7GTB


Jan 18, 2022
DataDocYeah back in high-school nearly 20 years ago I had a band and my guitarist was tube obsessed so I started collecting vacuum tubes to mess around with the guitar amps. 2 years ago I had to knock my friend's grandfather's barn down and inside I found tons of tubes from the 60s still in box and I kept them. I wasn't really sure if there was a market for them or not. Now I'm finding out headphone amps you can swap tunes and all sorts of shit. I'm pumped, and I'm bummed. I'm pumped because this Is going to be fun. I'm bummed because my work is seasonal and I'm laid off for winter and there's been no snow so it's not like I can even plow or shovel. That's why this dark voice is calling to me, $300ish to get started down this rabbit hole. I'm hoping for snow or side work soon!
Jan 18, 2022
Mastaboog749Wow... would've loved to have seen the tubes!! Here's to ending your work slowdown... All the best - Cheers! Enjoy the adventure!!
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