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Oct 24, 2018
That amp puts out 150mW at 250 ohms which is roughly ~6.1 Vrms. But, the OI is not listed so I am going to assume it's rather high. Also, I can't discern how well this unit can handle loads over 600 ohms (this Beyer is right around 612 ohms from what I have read). This Beyer wants close to ~4 Vrms for 110 dB which is pretty healthy and could actually request more depending on dynamics and the track being played. So, I think this amp will be good enough if you listen at lower volumes but you are really getting close to the limit of this unit and could experience clipping and distortion. Honestly, for 600 ohm Beyers, I would look at a more powerful unit.
I can make some suggestions if I know your budget.
Oct 24, 2018
Oct 24, 2018
jaydunndidditThanks, I'd love suggestions for around 150$
Oct 24, 2018
Oct 24, 2018
TommyTSCFor solid state, the Magni 3 is your best bet @ $99. It can easily output to 600 ohms and makes about ~11.74 Vrms @ 600 ohms. This will give you plenty of headroom and should allow the amp to not work as hard to push the Beyer's.
If you want to try a cheap tube amp, the Little Dot mkI+ is solid and can output ~9.48 Vrms to 600 Ohms. Again, nothing to sneeze at and will leave you enough headroom to not max out the amp. You also open up tube rolling since this comes in under your budget of $150.
If you want another SS amp option, the 02 amp is a solid option. It's the least powerful at ~7.26 Vrms but has a small footprint, and can have batteries installed to increase it's portability.
These are all solid options until you're ready to move to something bigger or try going balanced. Honestly though, with 600 ohm cans, I would look into a really good tube amp as high impedance cans tend to do very well on tube setups (although SS will do just fine, it's all about preferences).
Oct 24, 2018
Oct 24, 2018
jaydunndidditThanks again!, I do think I'll buy a tube amp in the future.
Oct 24, 2018
Oct 24, 2018
TommyTSCNo problem at all. Be sure to update us on whatever you settle on :)
Oct 24, 2018
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