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Do the Everglide V2 Screw In stabilizers work with this product?


Nov 16, 2023
I can't guarantee they just work cause I had to stab mine and force it at the numpad enter key but I was able to make Everglide V2 Screw In stabilizers work with my Shift V2.
Nov 20, 2023
Once you get the other stabilizers to go through the faceplate put your back screws in but don't tighten down all the way, especially the one by the numpad stabilizer. From there it's a lot of scary stabbing and cussing. I ended up pushing the plastic of the stabilizer into itself from the left hand edge and upward from the bottom edge of the board. When I was able to get the board and everything to close together mostly (it still doesn't close 100%) I tightened down to finish it and then had to press the key and lift it a few times before it functioned on it's own. As of now it functions for me but is definitely stiffer compared to main enter key or shift keys, space bar etc. and appears to rotate slightly when you press the key down Best of luck to you
drKriegerTrying to just force the rest of the asssembly to use the main screws as leverage is most of what I was going to try next. Thanks, I'll go for it, I've spent hours on this. So to answer the original question in this thread: No. This board is not compatible with plate-mounted screw-in stabilizers. It's supposed to be but it does not actually fit together this way.
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