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Oct 24, 2017
What is your preferred method to brew coffee while camping?
Oct 24, 2017
JZIIII weigh out the appropriate amounts of beans in advance, heat up some water on the propane stove, use my Zassenhaus manual burr grinder, and use my stainless steel Bodum Columbia french press.
Oct 24, 2017
Oct 24, 2017
JZIIIAeropress is definitely the easiest way to go, since it's a little more forgiving, but I would definitely recommend JZIII's method. French Press is the way to go for quality sake.
Oct 24, 2017
JZIIII gotta disagree with using a Bodum while camping. Years ago, when I started out camping, I would use it mostly because there weren't many options otherwise, but I went through so many beakers from them breaking, and they're just a pain to clean, ESPECIALLY camping. The Aeropress is amazing for many reasons. First, it's plastic and won't break EVER, unless you smash it with a hammer, and even then the durable plastic will hold up well. You also won't ever get any nasty sludge at the bottom of your cup. Plus, cleaning it, easiest thing you'll do all morning. My recommendation either way: Do not take the boiling water off the heat and wait at all before soaking your grounds, do it right away. Because, depending on the ambient temperature and height above sea level you're camping at, the water can tend to cool much faster than at home and you can end up with an underextracted cup. At least this is my experience, being on Vancouver Island. And bring along a manual burr grinder and grind fresh, it makes a huge difference. Hario makes an inexpensive one (about $40) that can hold enough beans for two cups in its hopper, and is a perfect companion to the Aeropress.
Oct 24, 2017
JZIIICowboy coffee. If you pre-grind your coffee you can just make it in your regular cooking pot and don't have to bring anything extra!
Other option is Aeropress or the Cafflano. Cafflano may be best for camping but Aeropress a better device.
Oct 24, 2017
JZIIIAnother vote for Aeropress here. I recently used a camping trip as an excuse to get an aeropress, and it worked out great. Dead simple, durable, compact, makes a good cup of coffee. It's not my preferred brewing method at home - I like to fiddle with glass and metal things, but for camping, Aeropress for sure.
Oct 25, 2017
robinacionHave you heard about the Espro Press? It's effectively a French Press, but uses a double filter to keep out the sediment. The newer models use double walled glass (still more durable than Bodum beakers) but their original model was stainless steel. It's waaaay more durable, and a great alternative when traveling. Can't beat the ease of use with the Aeropress though. That thing is just so easy to clean. In fact I would say, you'd be... Hard pressed.. To find a more convenient brewer. Ugh.. I'll see myself out.
Oct 25, 2017
JZIIIAeropress for sure. Everything packs so neatly, you can even buy a grinder that fits in the plunger.
Oct 25, 2017
JZIIIStarbucks Via. Sorry-I first came to Massdrop for the Ultralight community. It's pretty awful, and I usually mix it with a couple of packets of hot chocolate to hide the taste. Much as I love my Aeropress at home, carrying the extra weight puts me off.
Oct 25, 2017
DirtbaggeryGrab a Thermawerks Thermopop (optional), pre-grind your coffee, and master the art of Cowboy coffee.
Oct 25, 2017
robinacionI think you missed an important detail on my Bodum: stainless steel Bodum Columbia french press
I definitely wouldn't bring glass beaker Bodum out camping - that's just asking for trouble!
Oct 25, 2017
JZIIIJet boil all the way
Oct 25, 2017
JZIIICurrently using a french press while camping but still resort to VIA while backpacking. I'm still looking for a lightweight, easy to clean solution for coffee while backpacking.
Oct 25, 2017
JZIIII've made cowboy coffee once or twice, which has some romantic appeal. Besides which, getting up in cold weather makes any coffee taste better.
I prefer to bring my AeroPress and hand grinder along, though.
Oct 25, 2017
JZIIIUsually cowboy coffee, or I heat up some water, put the grinds and mix in for a few minutes (no more than 3) and I always have in my camping bag paper coffee filters which I can just put in my fire afterwards <3. I tend to use french roast grinds inside of a ziplock bag that I extract the air from using a straw. I pack very light for long hikes, but I still need some form of at least OK coffee.
Oct 25, 2017
JZIIIAeropress with a manual burr grinder. I also assembled a bug out bag with a cheap version of a Jet Boil setup but have not needed to pull it out yet. Need to take a random drive somewhere and put that stuff to use!
Oct 25, 2017
JZIIII personally use several methods, depending on the need. Aeropress with a hand-burr grinder: my everyday at home, short hikes, and for up to three people at camp. 32oz French Press: needed to serve 4 or more while camping or entertaining. Via: distance hiking, and always in my computer bag.
The picture above is an Esbit cook-set heating water for the morning Via coffee while hiking. Look to the top right and you'll see one of my hammock straps around the tree.
Oct 25, 2017
JZIIIPorlex hand grinder, single origin Ethiopian or Rwandan beans, Frierling Cup one gold filter and hot water off the gas stove.
Oct 27, 2017
JZIIIPercolater on my camp stove.
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