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Which DAC/AMP should I use?

I am currently using Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 80 Ohm headphones that are connected to my Logitech Z333 audio control, which is connect directly, using a 3.5mm audio jack to my sound card.
My friend recently told me, after he got some good headphones, that a DAC seriously improved the sound through his headphones.
I am looking to buy a DAC for around £50, possibly £100, and maybe £120+ (since I am not much of an audiophile to be honest, I just want the most out of my headphones), so it really depends on if the extra cost really would show significant / valuable change for me.
1) I really don't know how to set a DAC up whilst mixing my speakers and headphones with it.
My speakers are connected using a 3.5mm jack, but have RCA connections too. I also want to use my headphones. How would I go about connecting what to what, and using which connections / cables?
2) What would be the most valuable DAC for the price range given above, whilst being able to connect all my devices shown above?
3) Are DACs / AMPs definitely worth it? Considering the fact I love listening to music, watching movies and videos and playing games that require good listening. I heard that you can often hear more sounds that you couldn't hear before.
Thanks very much to anyone who reads this, any useful replies are extremely valued and appreciated.

Jan 2, 2018
I happen to have the beyer 1770 pro using both Schiit Lyer 2 and multi bit Bifrost. Sound? "Stout" and "wide"!
Dec 30, 2017
Look at the Schiit Fulla 2 ( it's only £110 and has great reviews - I own a few actually and they really are quite good. Unfortunately, it's out of stock right now in your region =/....
1) it's USB, you simply plug it in and select it in your sound preferences.
2) I am still going to recommend the Fulla 2 here. Since it's a headphone DAC/Amp you don't plug in anything but your headphones.
3) Absolutely, especially over stock components like what you have.
Jan 3, 2018
Research complete? I'm also intrested mate
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