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Feb 14, 2018
Mentioning you budget would be very helpful.
First I recommended the T50RP MKIII over the T40RP MKIII. It is generally considered the better sounding of the three (of course not everyone agrees with the consensus) and despite being Semi-open is doesn't leak a lot of sound. Unless someone is sitting right next to you and you listen at really high volumes, it should be much an issue. First them I'd recommend is getting replacement pads, I recommended the HM5 flat sheepskin or the Dekoni Sheepskin pads. After that a few simple mods give some good improvements.
Another alternative is the Massdrop TX0 which are basically factory modded T50RP MKIIs. I'd still recommend the Sheepskin pads mentioned above.
They do require a decent amount of power. So am Amp with some power is important. I DAC will help but you budget will have to dictate if that something you can do now or maybe later.
On a budget I'd consider the Topping D30 (DAC) and A30 (AMP) as a decent combo to get you started. I hear it a decent combo and a good value for a little over $200 (under $200 if there's a drop here on Massdrop). The Amp is capable of delivering 1.5W at 32 ohms, and a little less at the T50PR's 50ohms, which is a decent amount of power for the T50RP. I plan to grab the Topping unites at the next drop, or on Amazon, to see how how they compare to my other gear.
To give you an idea, my NFB-11 delivers about 3.5Watts @32ohms and 1.8W at 50ohms. I don't generally listen to them at max volume, but I can. At Max volume it's loud but not unbearable. Many of my headphone, including the M1060 are unbearable near max on my NFB-11.
Feb 14, 2018
Feb 14, 2018
RojasTKDIt's good to hear some consensus on my unfounded concern regarding open/semi open earphones though at work, in the sales dept, there is A LOT of noise so my concern was also about noise coming in.
I liked the Magni 3's price point and ability to expand later is helpful budget wise. I'd like to keep the amp price at about $100 if I can. I also thought since I've never owned one before that it was a good starting point as I build my headphone collection.
Feb 14, 2018
Feb 14, 2018
AK770I don't think external noise is an issue especially when you have music playing. When I get home from the gym tonight I'll try and do a test to double check.
Oh and that $200 price point I mentioned was for both the DAC and AMP. The AMP alone is about $100.
I have read the Schiit gear can be a bit bright, and one person in the Topping drop comments mentioned preferring the Topping D30 and A30 to the entry level Schiit stack. This is not first hand experience, do to be taken with a grain of salt. The Magni 3 it's a bit more powerful so they a
Thopping had my attention more ATM. I have the desire to compare done of this equipment later this year. Maybe I'll add a Schiit Stack to the list.
Feb 14, 2018
Feb 14, 2018
RojasTKDRight, I saw that (also about $100). Just saying that's what I was trying to keep my budget at.
Also trying to decide between DT880 600OHM, AKG K7XX or wait for the HD 6XX to come back in.
Feb 14, 2018
Feb 14, 2018
AK770Haven't heard those specifically, but I did own the DT770 80ohms, AKG K712 and the HD600. They where all enjoyable in their own way. Some find the DT880 a bit bright, why I went for the 770. I don't like too bright.
I would like to own the HD6xx and HD600 again. The 600 has such a lush mid range and vocals, but it lacked in bass extension and I like extended bass.
All depends on what kind of sound you like. Bright, warm, v shaped, neutral (or a little bit of everything, and start a collection like me LOL).
Feb 14, 2018
Feb 14, 2018
RojasTKDSo as one person commented on another thread, basically, "don't get into this because you'll just be spending money to have all different sorts of equipment", lol. I kind of assumed eventually I wouldn't have only one pair of headphones (though I might have a go-to pair) but I thought more about having a set of IEMs, over-ear closed back, over-ear open backed etc.
Feb 14, 2018
Feb 21, 2018
AK770It depends on the person. Some people will get into the hobby and buy a good number of headphones and various DACs and Amps and upgrade several times. They enjoy the hobby and invest into it.
Others will pick something decent and sick with that.
I personally am curious and want to hear for my self the differences. I might may start making some videos to share my experience and opinions on the gear I have and have had (and what I will undoubtedly he getting).
I'd say get a decent pair of closed and open headphones maybe some speakers if your into that. Some nice sounding gear and just enjoy it.
Once I get into a space big South I can set up my projector again I'll get three desire to upgrade the home theater setup. Heheheeee!
Feb 21, 2018
Feb 21, 2018
RojasTKDOur house is loud enough w/o me cluttering it up w/ more audio gear. I do still have a pair of hand made speakers from my earlier childhood days of attempted audiofilehood that I could dig up if needed (nice solid wood cabinets from a manufacturer in NJ).
Feb 21, 2018
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