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Which model has the most comfortable headband?

Not a concern for everyone, but have always been tortured by the pressure from the headband (big head and sensitive skull?). Before buying online, really want to know which model has a reputation in comfortable wearing, which has the most comfortable headband that can distribute the pressure evenly? Thanks for any suggestions!
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Jul 13, 2020
not sure what type and budget you are looking for. dt 770 pro are super comfy, super padded and pressure distributes really good for me (big head im 1.87m) its probably also with the other models (880 990 1990 1770 177x go) so plenty of choises here. also the mdr 1a (and a1m2) were super comfy for me as well. they are more of a "fun" and forgiving headphones :)
Jul 11, 2020
Only you can answer this question. I happen to think Focal headbands are quite comfortable, but a friend of mine hates them. It really depends on user.
Jul 11, 2020
Memory foam is your friend here, just as it was for the first astronauts is was designed to provide support for. The Sennheiser HD700 seem to be the benchmark for comfort, I can attest to this. A well designed support system, such as in the Elex, makes even a weightier set feel at home. The Senn 600’s can be easily, gently opened up. Those do feel more comfortable with new Dekoni memory foam pads, esp. for additional cartilage clearance. Over-the-ear full size cups are the way to go for long term comfort, avoid “on-ear”.
Jul 10, 2020
Anything with a suspension strap system will be most comfortable for most people, in general. Keep in mind, though, that any that use elastic or stretchy material (like AKG K712 or Philips X2HR) will eventually stretch out and become loose.
Sennheiser has lots of clamping force. The AKG is K7 series is good for larger heads and doesn't clamp much
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