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Can we please be granted the ability to download the source code generated by the Keyboard Configurator?

I've seen this question asked at least twice, but so far all of the responses have missed the point of the question. The Keyboard Configurator generates, on the server side, C source code which it then compiles and provides to the user as a .bin file. It would be immensely, tremendously, fantastically useful to be given the option of downloading the generated source code instead of/in addition to the compiled binary. This would offer the best of both worlds: the quick creation of an initial configuration via the easy-to-use web-based GUI, followed by iterative tweaking and fine-tuning in a local QMK environment, without having to repeatedly click "compile" on the web UI and then wait for the download. Is there any reason, technical or legal, why downloading the Configurator-generated source code isn't a possible option?

A community member
Jul 24, 2020
No legal or technical reason preventing us from doing so. We can consider doing so as more engineering resources become available.
Jul 25, 2020
Thanks. While that might not quite be the answer I was hoping for, I appreciate the clarification. If and when the time does come where it’s viable, I‘d be thrilled to sign up as a beta tester.
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