Why I Love Prototype Runs and Helping Keyboard Designers
The Migra TKL Prototype by Thebloodyez “This is my keyboard. There are many like it, but this one is mine.” - William H. Rupertus. In another life, if Major General William H. Rupertus, the Marine who coined the United States Marine Creed, had been a keyboard enthusiast, we might've gotten this line instead. All joking aside, this has been an article that I’ve wanted to write for quite some time. There are many reasons why we love the keyboard hobby, and today, I wanted to introduce you to one of mine—prototype keyboards and helping keyboard designers by joining prototype runs. Now, it’s not risk-free, and one should weigh the pros and cons of joining a prototype run, so I encourage you to pay attention to the disclaimer portion of this article. I know that there are prototype runs for keycaps, switches, and other cool things in our keyboard hobby, but for this article, I’ll be focusing only on keyboards. Also, please know that not every prototype run will be handled...
Dec 31, 2024
Massdrop being the awesome hosts that they are, offered to host again.
(though I have been investigating some other venues to mix things up a bit)
Saturday September 24, 2016 @ 1 PM Massdrop HQ 100 Bush Street, Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94104
BART is the most convenient way to get to Massdrop. It's a short 3 minute walk from Montgomery St. Station. 10th story. Just tell the guard you're with the Massdrop keyboard meetup. Parking...well, good luck, it's SF.
Please RSVP so we have an idea of numbers for food (and if you have dietary restrictions).
https://ti.to/kiibohd/kiibohd-17-september-24-2016 <= RSVP
You'll also be added to the Kiibohd Meetup mailing list.