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What your thoughts on Reddit headphones?

Since I've been quite active there, Never seen realised how annoying the community is. Pretty 95% low tier memes/gear pics while other 15% is "Experts". Who seem to think they always right no matter how stupid they come off regardless of the topic, Like going on for months a HD6XX/HD650 can driven on amps that can't handle 300ohm driver. I only lurk for the popcorn like the weekly "DAE ____ is overhyped" with users giving out -8 to people giving honest opinions. Or the "I can tell 320 vs Lossless" where they refuse back there claims & go on how you need a Stax/HD800S/ER4XR to tell, When i would trust them bit more if it was done on $50 headphones too.

I will re-word what others have said: this happens in all communities – I find it happens more when the population reaches a critical mass in size, and you’re more likely to meet that sourpuss who wants to ruin everyone’s day. There are disagreements, and then there are traps from people spoiling for a fight. Side note, for your own peace of mind, what does it matter if you’re happy with 320 KBPS ogg vorbis encoded Spotify (which is what is used for Spotify Premium, less destructive than 320 kbps MP3) while others are happy with a FLAC or something? As long as they have the money and they’re not hurting themselves or others, then it’s their business. I often try to nag and persuade people (runs in my family) for their own sake, but sometimes they feel attacked or annoyed and they end up sticking to their private opinions even stronger.
EvshrugI will say, despite the lack of moderators... I’ve been having fun and meeting nice people on Reddit lately. Just keep in mind it’s unfiltered and there’s all kinds of people, but I’ve been offering help and info, and people have seemed to be grateful :)
IMO. The audio community, from what I have seen, is very vocal. The ones that have strong opinions talk a lot and can get toxic.
Aug 26, 2020
Heh head fi worse, Got hounded the mear moment i called the "BA bass" the ER4SR gets for no reason. On a sub forum about objectivity?.
erickongLike me! ☠️ Seriously, there are some nice people on Reddit, but you never know when you’ll get attacked or put in a debate where your side was never considered to have a chance. I tend to stick to Head-Fi and actually enjoy the Drop comments section. Well, I see angry people here and there too, but it seems that if I try to be genuinely helpful or accepting of their experience, I usually also find several people who agree with me or thank me for sharing. The impact of leadership and and providing topics of discussion (that aren’t contentious) makes a significant difference in the tone of a conversation.
Aug 25, 2020
Yeah that's most hobby subreddits in a nutshell
Aug 26, 2020
bsphThe PC subbreddits at least have real topic's since the AMD sub really what got me into Ryzen. Yet the headphone subs mods nuke any advice, An is full of people having giving their opinions on stuff there ignorant on. Like how the HD6XX can handle 6db at 20Hz without distorting if a strong amp is used.
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