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Drop THX Panda, HD 6xx, or Jubilee 58x?

I have always been into music but new to the audiophile scene. I am deciding whether or not I should get the Drop THX Panda, Jubilee 58x, or the HD 6xx with the schitt Magni 3+ and Modi 3+. If I were to get the Panda's I would not get the DAC or AMP. I listen to a wide variety of music but mostly Hip-hop, R&B, Gospel, EDM, Classical, Reggaeton, Rock, and more. I do like bass to a certain extent and I have read that the 58x have more bass than the 6xx. Due to Covid, I have been doing a lot less traveling but I also have a pair of Bose QC25's and Airpod pro's that I use for when I do need to travel. However, after upgrading my phone it no longer has an aux cord and I have noticed a drop in quality with the lightning to aux adapter and it has bothered me quite a bit. I used to get goosebumps when listening to certain tracks but I just don't get that anymore. This has led me to do more research and luckily I was able to find this great community. I am very picky when it comes to many things especially with headphones and comfort is a huge thing for me if a headphone has too much clamping force it can turn me away from using them. I don't know much about all of this stuff but I am trying to learn something new each and every day. If there is any advice or tips that you can give me please let me know. If there are any other headphones, Amps, or DAC you recommend please let me know but I would like to remain under the $550 range for everything. Thank you all for taking the time to read my post.

Jan 15, 2021
What may be "best" on paper may not be best for you. A number of factors go in to how sound is perceived by someone, especially when using headphones. You really need to try both sets through your amp/listening device to figure out which one you like more.
Jan 15, 2021
For my ears, my system, my listening environment, I'm really happy with the Sennheiser HD600 headphones. But, that's just my experience at this point in my life. You might also want to consider trying out different amps as well. Certain amp/headphone combinations may produce "better" results than others. Also, over time, your listening preferences may change. It's a thing. Have fun with this journey. There is no one "right" answer, just expensive ones. :)))
Jan 26, 2021
cornerstonetomThank you! I will definitely consider the Shennhesiers and look at different amp/dac options
Jan 15, 2021
From what I’ve read so far is that apple does not support Ldac and other hi-res codec. I would recommend getting a separate phone that has a high-quality aux like LG v60 or a Sony Xperia for example. Check out this article below that will explain more.
ishtele88To clarify the terminology what you are referencing is a headphone output. AUX stands for auxiliary and is typically used when referencing an input that is not the primary source (like in a car). This is a regularly confused because many auxiliary inputs use a 3.5mm TRS (Tip, Ring, Sleeve) connector which is also common on headphones. As to your comment on the LG V series, I've been a fan since the V20 and currently love my V50. For a phone it is one hell of a source.
Jan 26, 2021
ElectronicVicesThank you!
Jan 15, 2021
I was going to post a question nearly word for word the same. I used to rip all my music (vbr/flac/monkeys) but with streaming services sending it to you flac well ...times they’re are a changing. I still need to learn how exactly amazon flac music gets from my iPhone out of a lightening cable or Bluetooth to a decent set of headphones. How is a dac or amp going to change that already encoded music? For better? So I’m similar to the original poster. What should I choose. I’m currently just using Apple dock lightning adapter/headphone plug PSB M4U 8 wired cans.
Jan 26, 2021
YtseBitsySpiderI just got an LG g7 for less than $200 on amazon. The Quad DAC on that phone made my Bose a pleasure to listen to music again. There is no comparison to what they sound like with an iPhone/lighting adapter. I recommend you invest in an LG g series or v series and you will be very happy. P.S. I would get a V series instead because they seem to be better built. Last night I just ordered V40 because the G7 came in with a gap between the screen and body.
Jan 13, 2021
I would vote to push the button for a 6XX & Schiit, open and having a very broad spectrum of listening pleasure.
Jan 13, 2021
rastusThank you!
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