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Which usb soundcard is prefered for gaming?


Feb 25, 2021
I think the GSX 1000 is a good option but I tried it and wasn't happy with the sound. My ear needed some EQ tuning to make it sound good so I opted instead for the SoundBlaster X3. It has software which has many options and includes an EQ which let me tune the sound to what I like. If you try the X3, note that you just have to plug in the 4-pole cable to the headphone jack - you don't need to use the splitter cable if you don't want to. I just use the short 4-pole cable because the X3 sits on my desk not far from my computer so I don't need the LONG splitter cable plugged into 2 ports when I can use the shorter cable just plugged into 1 port. :-) I should add though, the build quality and visual features of the GSX 1000 are nicer than the X3, so if you really want to stick with the GSX 1000, you may want to consider using some EQ software to fine tune the sound if it's not to your liking. I don't know any software that does that, but I'm sure there is some out there.
Feb 24, 2021
Sennheiser gsx 1000
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