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Drop Pandas SoundID EQ Samples

Hey guys, just starting this off so we can gather around some frequency measurements and sample graphs for our Panda users for use with the SoundID app. If you could post the custom frequency measurements you created along with the graph and the type of music you listen to or prefer for the custom preset you have created. Cheers!

Apr 4, 2021
Hey Panda Fans! I also generated a profile that fits my taste of listening. Its a bit more aggressive than flat and i am still optimizing it. This preset is done for high volume listening. From the left we start with a nice foundation of bass (36Hz, +7dB), followed by a even higher top in the upper bass section around 190Hz for very pronounced kick drums and a nice body of voices. Then we see a deep valley in the mid tones followed of a next top around 4500Hz (+8dB) for voice and instrument seperation. There is a little spike at 12.000Hz for attack of the percussion instruments an voices to become clear. This point is very tricky and even a very little change in dB can cause the change between muffled or shouty. Its hard to find the exact point. On the right side i lifted the very highs just to bring in some shiny glitter.

Apr 1, 2021
Can people list the properties of each point? If you click on each point on the graph and then click on the various properties such as freq, Q then it shows frequency, db, type, and Q. You can write these all down in a listand then we can reproduce exactly what you have instead of guessing. For example Type. db freq. q Low shelf 2. 132 Bell. 2 2900. 0.5 This is just an example, not a good equalization. Thanks!
Apr 1, 2021
An awesome initiative @Patson for the community to have one singular thread to post their EQs for others. In any case, this is the tuning I am using personally. It is close to the ideal Harman curve with a slight priority given towards the sub and mid-bass and also the high frequencies (i like them a bit sparkly without them being sibilant or overbearing :D ). I have also added a 2db overall gain to the EQ so that it can compensate for the volume reduction with the current firmware and would give more headroom for quieter soundtracks. Hope this EQ helps you guys out and last of all, happy listening! (sorry @iAmBoomerStrong but i am using your classic ending here :P )

Apr 1, 2021
Damnit, imgur didn't update it? Edit: Created a new post entirely with the Q-Factor values and added the link in the earlier post. For some reason, imgur didn't update the post's description. Hope this finally helps you guys out :D
Apr 1, 2021
Soham1255Nope don't think it did, currently I see just the headings update: It now shows the Q values cheers!
Apr 1, 2021
Here is what my frequency graph looks like. I mostly just needed a sub-bass and mid-bass bump. The Pandas out of box have pretty good mids, so didn’t really need any additional gain in that area. I mostly listen to experimental, progressive and psychedelic rock. I find that this EQ preset has just the right amount of that sparkly high end finesse as well, really letting cymbal hits shine and glisten.
Apr 2, 2021
DsgrigorianI would just recommend lowering all the points in dB, this way, the Eq will decrease the non-desired frequencies, while keeping a good level on the boosted frequencies. This article explains better than me: "As a general rule of thumb (actually it’s more like a rule), cutting is better than boosting. If you boost too much you can introduce distortion, which is the opposite of what we’re trying to accomplish here. Boosting also tends to result in a loss of clarity and, in some cases, can result in some weird phasing problems. A visual analogy to the cut/boost relationship would be like turning up the ISO on a camera. It makes the image brighter but simultaneously makes the image grainier."
May 3, 2021
tetsugoTo stretch the example of the ISO setting on a camera even further. Equalizing by boosting or adding any positive gain at all is bound to push many contemporary tracks into digital clipping similar to white clipping on a camera.
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