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Jun 27, 2018
The iFi iDSD nano Black Label. It's under $200, works for sensitive IEMs and can power 300 ohm cans while supporting essentially any file format you want (and MQA from Tidal). Has a USB purifier built in and a decent battery life of 8-10 hrs. It's really a solid piece of kit and has spoiled me for what I think of a mobile DAC/amp should be. While it may not overpower the 6XX as well as a desktop amp, it will power them well enough to uncomfortable levels of loudness. Really, my only gripe is the lack of inputs but for the cost I'm just nitpicking. If your budget is higher, the Micro iDSD BL would be better for 300 ohm cans but it's 3x the price of the Nano. Personally, I'd get a solid desktop amp and the Nano BL since it works great as an external DAC.
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