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Jun 23, 2018
I would get a DAC and I don't think there is anything better for the money than the Fulla 2. Note that having owned both the K7xx and HD 6XX, and many higher end models including flagships, I've found that the HD 6XX really needs higher end equipment to sound satisfactory. So if all you can afford is something like a Fulla 2, I'd get the K7xx.
Jun 23, 2018
RhamnetinArd, that's probably what I'll end up going with. Thanks for the replies to both my questions!
Jun 24, 2018
RhamnetinHm the HD6XX is a better match with the Fulla2 than a K7XX. The AKG are very much amp picky, while the Senns are not. Both scale very well with higher end equipment, but both scale very differently. For the HD6XX will scale as long as you match it with higher end equipment, for the K7XX it will require amps of certain character and unfortunately it will be different for everyone.
Jun 25, 2018
JackulaI disagree with you 100%. For reference, here is a list of amplifiers I have owned:
- Maverick Audio Tubemagic D1 - Garage1217 Project Ember II - Schiit Lyr 2 w/ Siemens A-Frame NOS 6922 - Schiit Lyr 3 with basically every good 6SN7 in the book - Antique Sound Labs MG Head DT (the original which is only transformer coupled) - Chord Mojo - Chord Hugo 2 - Mjolnir Audio Pure BiPolar
I have also used the HD 600 and HD 650 with tons of other amps. The K7xx will sound similar out of all of those, barring technical improvements as you move up. The HD 600/650/6XX however sound really boring and lifeless out of all of those except perhaps the Pure BiPolar and MG Head DT (haven't used it with either), but their character really improves with a nice tube amp.
Jun 25, 2018
RhamnetinYou're fine to disagree, audio is completely subjective. There's no point trying to change another's opinion. I wouldn't say the Sennheiser series 6 nor the AKG series 7 are lifeless, but simply not your cup of tea, both headphones are legendary for a reason. I'm quite familiar with half of those amps, but I'm not sure there's any point of listing those unless you wanted to show off. Out of that list, the Hugo 2 is probably my favorite DAC, it performs very close to my current one, and as for amps I prefer TOTL solid states.
Jun 25, 2018
Jackula[Off Topic] What's your current DAC out of curiosity?
And yeah it's all so subjective... I cleaned my ears for the first time in a few weeks shortly after I made that comment (lots of ear wax), and now the headphones I've been using sound brighter (for the better). lol.
Jun 25, 2018
RhamnetinThat's great! Many people underestimate the importance of a clean ear, I actually get mine cleaned monthly :) and many people underestimate the importance of good gear and don't realize their headphones are capable of so much more. I actually enjoy a lot of the lower end headphones, they tend to sound better than high end headphones on lower end gear.
My DAC is a modified Lampizator DAC4, with Duelund caps, battery powered clock, and using Amperex 6922 D getter pinched waist (~$400 ea) on output. It's since been superceded by Amber, which I've never auditioned but suspect my customizations actually sound better. Although I'm actually thinking about selling mine so my chain is fully solid state. Something like a TotalDAC or EMM DAC2X interest me.
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