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Jul 30, 2018
The problem with your sound card isn't the amps nearly so much as the power supplies. They are terribly noisy and that will make its way into your sound. I'd go to an external amp with its own dedicated power supply if it were up to me. I'd also pair it with an external DAC for the same reason.
Jul 31, 2018
HeeftyI'll swap it out eventually, I have it sounding pretty good now, but I know I'm not getting the bass that I should be. The Xonar has always had zero noise and actually does quite an amazing job with higher ohm headphones, so selling it shouldn't be an issue despite its age. No idea what dac / amp I'm going to get though, there's a good amount of options these days.
Jul 31, 2018
BmxantThere is a terrible number of options these days... It's a hard decision to make without auditioning them first.
Jul 31, 2018
HeeftyI know the Massdrop Grace is suppose to be one of the best for the X00's, but $500 is a bit much, and yeah, not being able to try them out first is quite worrisome, especially since everyone seems to have a different opinion.
Aug 1, 2018
BmxantDefinitely. I wish I had learned my lesson earlier on, but eventually set a firm limit of $200 being the most I will spend on any piece of audio gear without hearing it first. It has saved me a lot of money since I came to that conclusion.
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